A healthy culture fuels performance!

Organisational culture drives everything – from connection and well-being to productivity and engagement. That's why culture must be proactively designed, not left to chance. It’s an essential component of your business strategy.

If our training & development programs don’t meet your needs, we’re happy to partner with you to help you address your specific challenges. We call this approach ‘embedded change’ as we’ll be working closely with you to design, develop and pilot the processes, initiatives and interventions that will enable you to deliver on your strategy and realise your ambitious goals successfully.

Insights-driven, human-first

In a world where change is the only constant, organisational change must be iterative and sustainable.

Our five-step process turns hairy, complex change initiatives into achievable, safe-to-try experiments that can be easily embodied and scaled. This ensures long-term organisational improvements that are aligned with business goals. We start by assessing your existing culture and taking the temperature of your emotional climate. This enables us to bridge the gap, mobilise people, design and embed structures and initiatives for positive change and ongoing support.

Executive teams at Fortune 500 companies like Ford and PepsiCo and internationally recognised media companies like The Guardian and The Telegraph can attest to our results. We’ve also worked with a broad range of international start-ups and scale-ups.


“Mette has a wonderful manner about how she works asking insightful questions and challenging to reach better outcomes.

We began working together to redesign onboarding to be scalable for a fast-growing, remote-first team but quickly ended up building out strategic leadership and wellbeing interventions”

Ozzie Clarke-Binns, Head of People — Robin AI


Not sure where to start?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you!

Big changes start small and they start with mobilising people and creating actionable frameworks and experiments to build momentum and learn what works.

Rather than trying to fix everything at once, we’ll partner with you to uncover the changes that will have the most significant impact on your people and business goals — and you’ll be an integral part of the process and help deliver impact from day one.

This means that you’ll have to do some of the heavy lifting too, but we promise we’ll have fun and learn a lot in the process.


Ready to turn common sense into common practice?

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Some of our Clients & Partners

We’ve worked with a wide range of clients, from early-stage start-ups to established companies and enterprises such as Ford.

What people are saying


“Mette cares for teams, their wellbeing and performance in a way that's taught me a huge amount about how the world of work can work differently.”

— John Oswald, MD, Method London

“Mette is quick to address systemic challenges compassionately and brings an emotionally astute, commercially savvy and action-orientated mindset in all that she does.”

— Laura Kennett, Head of People, Project by IF

We help forward-thinking organisations thrive, embrace change, and design their futures